What was the Challenge?
Western Lighting & Energy Controls, a representative agency for the lighting industry, was looking to rebrand itself. Western wanted to keep its recognizability, for the sake of the clients they were working with, while creating a big enough change that could differentiate it from the competitors in the industry.
The AMP Solution?
A total rebrand, including: a color scheme change, logo and website redesign, new banners, a podcast series, promotional materials, and more!
How did we get Here?
- An updated color scheme was established and integrated. This included all social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube.
- The Western website design was updated to improve user experience, easy to navigate, eye catching, and full of useful information on every page.
- A new podcast was created a further way to connect with the Western audience.
- Video production was emphasized on the Western Youtube channel.
- Following the rebrand, an official press release was put out announcing the news.
- Promotional materials were brought onboard to increase brand awareness, including roll-up banners, tablecloths, security camera covers, fleeces, mousepads, stickers, business cards, and more.
Client Testimonial

“Western was ready for an update, but we recognized that a total rebranding would be a huge risk. There were a lot of factors at play, and one wrong step could hurt us greatly. AMP was a huge help when it came to the rebranding, they kept the Western brand recognizable even after the change, and we saw that many of our clients loved it as well!”