How AI Changes the Game
The rise of artificial intelligence is not as recent as one may think, since the 1950s, we have always had an interest in where artificial intelligence could take us. Now in 2021, technology has advanced immensely and impacts numerous aspects of life: from smart cars to chatbots, and even actual functioning robots like Sophia.
But outside its recognition and becoming a trending topic, AI has now become an integral part of many businesses, specifically in their marketing efforts. But why has AI become such a staple in digital marketing, and what does this mean for professionals in the industry?
It’s time to answer these questions, and more, today.
What is AI?
Breaking down Artificial Intelligence
In a famous quote from Alan Turing, the father of modern computer science, he asks “Can machines think?” This question would eventually lead to the birth of what AI is today. To keep it simple, AI (or artificial intelligence) is the ability of a machine to think, respond, and perform tasks associated with human beings.
In an article by BuiltIn, authors Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig–writers of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach–explain that there are four approaches to defining AI:
- Thinking humanly
- Thinking rationally
- Acting humanly
- Acting rationally

According to these four approaches, the field of AI is based on the marriage of behavior and processes or reasoning. This is the goal of professionals when working with AI as Rossell and Norvig write: “all the skills needed for the Turing Test also allow an agent to act rationally.”
In addition to the four approaches, there are also four types of AI including:
- Reactive Machines that are designed to complete a specific number of duties, like IBM’s Deep Blue.
- Limited Memory Machines that store previous data to accurately predict what could happen next.
- Theory of Mind is still a concept in today’s age. This is the future of where AI could be depending on our technological and scientific advancements.
- Self-awareness is essentially the final step for AI, in which machines can be the most human and this is the future goal for AI.
Approaches and types aside, how does this knowledge fall into the topics of AI and digital marketing? Thanks to the incredible ability to analyze and learn from data, AI is perfect for advancing industries, including digital marketing.
How does AI fit in Marketing?
Outside of Daily Life
When it comes to AI in the marketing world, the uses are almost limitless. In a Drift article, nearly half of B2B professionals have used AI to increase their revenue and based on research by McKinsey, there is an almost six trillion annual impact of AI on marketing and sales. This means that AI is not just an additional perk for marketers, but has proven to be an integral part of its success. A few of the top benefits of using AI in marketing include driving costs down and being more affordable, generating a larger amount of ROI, predicting client and consumer needs more accurately, and (most importantly) unlocking further potential for technological advancements.

However, when looking at AI and marketing, the next big question is “how can AI be implemented in marketing?” The answer comes in many forms, in particular, AI can collect data, analyze, and predict future behavior, making it a goldmine for targeted advertisement.
Additionally, AI can help personalize communication with a user, now being able to target them through their preferences and information for a more targeted campaign.
For marketers, AI is the logical next step in advancing their marketing strategies.
What does this mean for Marketers?
The future of digital marketing
Despite such innovations, it’s understandable that some professionals worry that they themselves could be phased out in the future of digital marketing. This is not an unfounded concern, with the need to stay up-to-date with the newest marketing trends and strategies for a company’s success. AI can increase visibility, accurately target, and improve sales at an accelerated rate. If a machine can do it, why should a marketer keep a job?
However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
AI is an incredibly valuable tool for marketers, from changing how marketing is done and optimizing the process, it still has a long way to go before we could consider it even close to perfection. This is a collaboration of humans and machines, learning from each other to find the best solutions in the digital marketing world. The future is nothing less than bright.
But AI aside, are you in need of digital marketing help? AMP is here to AMP UP your marketing strategy! Connect with one of our experts today at [email protected].
About AMP
Based in San Diego, California, we are a small marketing agency with a creative team that celebrates 20+ years of experience in traditional and digital marketing. We recognize that marketing is a cornerstone of a brand’s success but that some businesses struggle to meet their marketing goals, so we made it our goal!
AMP provides virtual marketing management to all types of companies without the expense of having a marketing professional on staff, we work as an extension of your team to generate more leads for your business’ growth. Focus on running your business while we focus on running your marketing!
Want to learn more or start working with us? Email one of our experts today at [email protected] or give us a call at (858) 564-0336!